Mafeteng Concrete Blocks - Lesotho
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Mafeteng Concrete Blocks
Thabana Morena Rd, Mafeteng, Lesotho
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Company description
Mafeteng Concrete Blocks is a registered entity in terms of the Companies Act of the laws of The Kingdom of Lesotho.
The company is a major player in business of brick-making alongside building construction.
The company operates one of the only three VB Brick-making machines in Lesotho and the only one such machine outside of Maseru. In addition to Mafeteng brick yard, the company has a branch that operates from Mohale's Hoek.
The initial business idea was the brain-child of the Managing Director, who, as a young man born and growing up in a family that operated an informal and small little brick-making business, discovered that there is great potential to engage in similar business at a bigger scale. The idea was natured for years up until 1993 when Mafeteng Concrete Blocks produced its first brick.
The company is a major player in business of brick-making alongside building construction.
The company operates one of the only three VB Brick-making machines in Lesotho and the only one such machine outside of Maseru. In addition to Mafeteng brick yard, the company has a branch that operates from Mohale's Hoek.
The initial business idea was the brain-child of the Managing Director, who, as a young man born and growing up in a family that operated an informal and small little brick-making business, discovered that there is great potential to engage in similar business at a bigger scale. The idea was natured for years up until 1993 when Mafeteng Concrete Blocks produced its first brick.
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