Top 3 Transport Companies in Mohale's Hoek, Lesotho

We found 3 directory listings in Mohale's Hoek
Reliable transport services across Lesotho's regions.
+266 2278 0241

Molomo Filling Station

P.O.Box 335, Mohale's Hoek, Lesotho
+266 2278 5796

Ntseno Phoka Transport

P.O.Box 481, Mohale's Hoek, Lesotho
+266 2278 0407
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Transport in Lesotho is the means of transportation within the borders of the country. The most common form of transportation is by road, with the main form of transport being the minibus taxi. This form of transport is used to travel across the country and is the most affordable option for locals. Other options include buses, private cars, and motorcycles. The national highway network is relatively well-developed and maintained, but road quality can vary significantly. Rail transport is limited to a single line, connecting Lesotho to South Africa. Air transport is also available, with two international airports located in Maseru and Quthing.

Overall, transport in Lesotho provides a reliable and cost-effective means of transportation for locals and visitors alike.
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